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Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

A Cross Site Request Forgery or CSRF Attack, pronounced see surf, is an attack on an authenticated user which uses a state session in order to perform state changing attacks like a purchase, a transfer of funds, or a change of email address.

The entire premise of CSRF is based on session hijacking, usually by injecting malicious elements within a webpage through an <img> tag or an <iframe> where references to external resources are unverified.

Using CSRF

GET requests are often used by websites to get user input. Say a user signs in to an banking site which assigns their browser a cookie which keeps them logged in. If they transfer some money, the URL that is sent to the server might have the pattern:[RECEPIENT]&amount=[DOLLARS]

Knowing this format, an attacker can send an email with a hyperlink to be clicked on or they can include an image tag of 0 by 0 pixels which will automatically be requested by the browser such as:

<img src="[RECEPIENT]&amount=[DOLLARS]" width="0" height="0" border="0">